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최종편집 2024-09-28 06:01 (토)
Four Japanese pharmaceutical companies enter 200 billion won one by one
Four Japanese pharmaceutical companies enter 200 billion won one by one
  • Hyeokgi Lee, Newsmp
  • 승인 2021.07.07 14:14
  • 댓글 0
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Following Eisai in 2019, Daiichi Sankyo surpassed 200 billion won in 2020
The front runner Astellas goes backward ahead of 300 billion won… Focus on Takeda’s report

Japanese pharmaceutical companies are surpassing 200 billion won in annual sales despite the shock wave of COVID-19.

According to the major Japanese pharmaceutical companies’ reports, Takeda in 2017, Eisai in 2019, and Daiichi Sankyo last year exceeded 200 billion won in annual sales.

Prior to this, Astellas was the first Japanese pharmaceutical company to reach 200 billion won in annual sales in 2015.

As the number of companies with sales of 200 billion won increases, the leading competition among Japanese pharmaceutical companies is intensifying.

While Astellas, which took the lead with 289.9 billion won in 2019, slipped, the second and third companies are on the rise. 

Astellas was close to entering 300 billion won but could not withstand the shock wave of COVID-19 last year and fell 8.4% to 265.7 billion won.

As Takeda, which did not disclose its audit report until the 5th, recorded 267 billion won in sales based on its consolidated financial statements (subsidiary Shire) in 2019, there is a high possibility of reversal. 

However, since Takeda transferred the copyright of some products to Celltrion last year, this gap is expected to serve as a variable in the leading competition.

Amid fierce competition between Astellas and Takeda, Eisai and Daiichi Sankyo’s competition for third place also deepened.

Following Eisai, which entered the 200 billion won mark a year earlier in 2019, Daiichi Sankyo rose to the 200 billion won mark with a growth rate exceeding 14% last year.

Eisai barely prevented turning the tables around by growing 6% last year to 220 billion won, but Daiichi Sankyo closely caught up with more than twice the growth, narrowing the gap from nearly 20 billion won to 4 billion won.

In particular, Daiichi Sankyo has been growing at an annual average of 16% since 2014 and is expected to join the leading competition if the current trend continues.

Meanwhile, Otsuka looks forward to reaching 200 billion won with a steady average annual growth rate of 7 to 8%.


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